Wednesday, April 14, 2010


“Dan barang siapa membunuh seorang yang beriman dengan sengaja, maka balasannya ialah neraka Jahannam, dia kekal di dalamnya. Allah murka kepadanya, dan melaknatnya serta menyediakan azab yang besar baginya” (an-Nisa’: 93).

Mira di dalam dilema memikirkan destinasi yang bakal ditujui seterusnya. Air mata mengalir laju mengikut rentak tren komuter yang bergerak di dalam terowong gelap. Fikirannya tentang Rizal yang meninggalkannya setelah menerima berita bahawa Mira berbadan dua hasil dari perbuatan mereka yang hanyut dengan nafsu dan cinta. Dari stesen Subang Jaya ke Petaling jaya, tangisan Mira tak henti-henti sambil memegang perutnya yang sudah kelihatan sugul. Sekali lagi Mira teringatkan Rizal dan akhirnya sudah mencapai satu kata putus, lantas dia mengeluarkan pemetik api dan tahu destinasi yang akan ditujuinya. Dan esok, kandungannya bakal dikenali ramai dan mendapat liputan luas di dalam akhbar-akhbar diseluruh Malaysia.

Masalah pembuangan bayi semakin berleluasa malah bukan sahaja menggugurkan bayi namun mereka juga menggunakan cara yang kejam untuk menghapuskan bukti tersebut iaitu dengan membakar, mengkisar, membuang di dalam sungai dan yang paling tidak diterima akal dipotong dan diberi kepada binatang untuk menjamu selera. Persoalannya kemanakah perginya nilai kemanusiaan itu? Adakah wajar hukuman berat membendung gejala membuang bayi? Sekiranya iya, apakah jenis hukuman yang wajar dijatuhkan ke atas manusia yang bertopengkan syaitan ini?

Hukuman yang sedia ada sebenarnya adalah tidak mencukupi atau efektif bagi menangani masalah ini. Setelah kami selidiki dan membincangkan isu ini, satu bentuk mekanisma ataupun hukuman yang lebih efisyen perlu dipraktikkan didalam menangani masalah yang semakin menular di dalam masyarakat kita pada masa kini. Bagaikan barah yang merebak setiap hari, ianya sama seperti kes pembuangan bayi ini. Sekiranya, ia tidak dibendung dari akar umbi, nescaya gejala ini akan menyebabkan berlakunya gejala-gejala lain timbul dan merosakkan lagi akidah umat manusia.

Hukuman-hukuman berat perlu dilaksanakan dan dalam masa yang sama masyarakat perlu diberi pendedahan dan didikan dari awal bagi mengatasi fenomena ini dari terus berterusan. Disini disenaraikan beberapa hukuman berat yang wajar dilaksanakan:

1. Hukuman sebat di khalayak ramai
2. Rejam sampai mati (bagi yang sudah berkahwin)
3. Pesalah dicop dengan besi panas di dahi tanda beliau pernah melakukan zina
4. Perlu memohon maaf dikhalayak ramai (melalui media massa)
5. Hukuman penjara 20 tahun dan dalam masa yang sama kompaun RM100 000
6. Renjatan elektrik di khalayak ramai
Dalam masa yang sama, pendedahan dan didikan awal juga dipraktikkan bagi mencegah amalan ini. Antaranya:
1. Melaksanakan hukuman-hukuman berlandaskan hukuman Islam (hudud)
2. Menghapuskan semua pusat-pusat pelacuran dan hiburan
3. Penzinaan diselesaikan dengan cara Islam
4. Hukuman yang dilaksanakan perlu lebih telus
5. Kempen akidah yang wajib disertai oleh semua remaja lepasan PMR selama 3 bulan
6. Ibu bapa diwajibkan menghadiri kursus didikan dan bimbingan anak-anak
7. Masyarakat perlu dididik cara untuk berhadapan dan mengatasi masalah ini (melalui media massa)
8. Subjek agama Islam dan sivik di sekolah perlu ditekankan, didalami dan dipelajari dengan meluas serta di implikasikan di dalam norma-norma kehidupan.

Kesimpulannya, gejala pembuangan bayi perlu dilihat dari pelbagai aspek. Masyarakat tidak seharusnya menuding jari dan memfokuskan kepada gejala ini semata-mata tetapi haruslah menyelidik dan mengenal pasti punca berlakunya gejala ini. Oleh itu, hukuman berat dan didikan haruslah bergerak seiring seperti irama dan lagu yang tidak boleh dipisahkan.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Nik Abdul Aziz B. Nik Mat was born in 1931 at Pulau Melaka, a village located about 7 km from Kota Bharu town. His father, the late Tok Guru Haji Nik Mat B. Raja Banjar is a famous Islamic Scholar at that time. Haji Nik Mat really serious about his sons Islamic education and this is one of the factor that contributed to the style of leadership perform by Tok Guru Nik Aziz.

Tok guru Nik Aziz had been sent to learn Islamic knowledge from To Khurasan, one of the most famous ‘Guru’ in Kelantan at that time. Later, Tok Guru Nik Aziz continues his study with a few other Islamic Scholar in Kelantan and Jertih, Terengganu with the late Tuan Guru Haji Abbas Haji Ahmad at Madrasah Ittifaqiah.

After 5 years studied at the school, in 1952 Tok Guru Nik Aziz went to India to further his study at the Deoband Darul Ulum in India. From India, Tok Guru Nik Aziz continues his Islamic Education at Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. There, he took the Arabic Language and Islamic Law as main subject. After 4 years, this brilliant Tok Guru Nik Aziz managed to pass and finish his Bachelor Of Arts and Master of Art in Islamic law. Tok Guru Nik Aziz can speak a few foreign languages such as Arabic, Tamil, Urdu and English. 

After coming back from Egypt, Tok Guru Nik Aziz start his work as the full time religious teacher and become an Islamic preacher, to full fill his father ambition. In the middle of 1960, Tok Guru Nik Aziz was a part time teacher and teaches the adult class people for one year.

Tok Guru Nik Aziz seriously joins the Parti Islam Semalaysia or PAS after resigned as the adult class teacher. In a few months in 1967, he was offered as the candidate for by-election for Kelantan Hilir (now Pengkalan Chepa) parliamentary seat. He has won the by-election at Kelantan Hilir or Pengkalan Chepa parliamentary seat from the year 1967 and every time there was another election, he won the seat until 1986 when he was transferred to another parliamentary seat in Bachok, Kelantan.

Tok Guru Nik Aziz has been elected as the Central Ulamak Council Chief from 1968 until now. This position gives him authority to advice all matters pertaining to Islamic faced by the party and the followers.

At first, Tok Guru Nik Aziz did not want to accept that post. He felt that other PAS leader should hold that post, not him. As a humble leader, Tok Guru Nik Aziz keeps on telling his follower that he was not the right person. But after so many pressures given to him, at last he accept it based on a hadeeth (Nabi Muhammad words) that give guidelines on how a selected leader should not reject a good position if he (the potential leader) has the ability to lead compare to others.

Tok Guru Nik Aziz has been appointed as the 5th. Chief Minister of Kelantan Darulnaim on 22nd. October 1990. He got the biggest majority during the national election for Kelantan.

As an emerging Islamic and transformational leader, Tok Guru Nik Aziz has cut off 40% of his salary to be given to the savings of Kelantan PAS. He also did not accept any allowance provided for him during Hari Raya. Tok Guru Nik Aziz warned all the elected exco and state assembly members to reject any prize given to them by any people. He felt that the prize given can be considered as misconduct or bribery that could led to corruption.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Malaysian Style...............

I am a coffee lover. Previously, I love to go to Starbuck to enjoy my coffee time. That is one way for a student to release their tension. Every time I drink coffee, it gives me some kind of comfy feeling which can change my day. As a student, go to Starbuck just for a coffee is a bit pricey. That is why I really happy when Old Town White Coffee start to open their franchise at Kuala Lumpur. It's not only about the coffee, but it's all about what Malaysian want and prefer. Moreover, their price is much more cheaper than Starbuck which is affordable for everyone.

Old Town White Coffee started as a manufaturer of 3 in 1 instant coffee in 1999. As a time moving, they start to build up their empire by introducing first Old Town White Coffee's cafe in Ipoh in 2005, and they have expanded their chain of cafe everywhere in Malaysia since than. By end of 2009, they entered Singapore market which make me proud as a Malaysia to see our product can enter to another country. They are the market leader that promote our unique Malaysian taste of coffee at anytime, anywhere.

Old Town White Coffee can be enjoy by everyone since the price are affordable. It is not like Starbuck or other type of cafe that only cater people from high level of income. Not only that, their choice of coffees and foods as well suit with our culture and taste. That is the reason why, Old Town become so successful nowadays.

Now, let me introduces some of the beverages offer by Old Town White Coffee:

1. Hot and Beverage
  • Old Town White Coffee
  • Hazelnut White Coffee
  • Nan Ynag Kopi
  • Xi Mut Milk Tea
  • Old Town Iced Cold
  • Old Town Enriched Chocolate
  • Lime Jiuce
  • Organic Wheat Grass Honey Juice
  • etc.
2. Classic Dishes
  • Old Town Chicken Rice
  • Nasi Lemak Special
  • Old Town Chicken Hor Fun
  • Old Town Curry Mee
  • Old Town Prawn Mee Hoon and Mee
  • etc
3. Local Favourites and Sweet Delights
  • Kaya and Butter Toast
  • Old Town Egg Toast
  • Ice Fire Polo Bun
  • Curry Potato Toast
Since Old Town become more popular nowadays, there are many other company that try to follow Old Town White Coffee way, because of that, they now providing their customer with another service at their restaurant which is WiFi. Customer not only can enjoy their coffee but at the same time can surfing internet as well.

Overall, what I can say here is, Old Town is where I can hang out with my family and friends. Most important things, it is where people can see Malaysian style of coffee, food and "lepak" time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This is the story about "Khadijah"..........

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (RA) is an amazing woman. She was the most respected lady in the Pre-Islamic Makkah society and known as a shining star. She was smart, beautiful, strong, successful, loving, compassionate and generous.

She was a supportive wife to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w), a tender mother, a prominent business woman, a loyal friend and a noble humanitarian.

In Quraish, "Khadijah" means 'the pure woman', and because of that I believe, 22 years ago, my parents choose 'Siti Khadijah' as my name in a way to remembrance the greatest Khadijah. In the hope that my personality and behaviour will suit with the name.

That is the story of my name that related to the greatest lady in the world. I wish that one day I can become one of the greatest lady as well.

Now, let me start new story about myself. A girl that always cheerful, friendly, and love my family, friends and 'boyot' my cat a lot.

During my school time, I always study hard in order to get a good result to enter to the university. My parents and my siblings always say that, between all of us I'm the one who study a lot, but the outcome is not as good as what I did. I've failed for my fisrt tried to get to the course that I want. It was the saddest moment in my life. But, that is not the end, my first sister always say that 'success is the best revenge'. Regardless of what happen in the past, we have to look for the future and failure is one step to be the success person. By that, I continue my study with different course at Uitm Segamat.

And now, see people out there, I'm here at Uitm Shah Alam doing what I really want. If we really struggle and believe in ourselves, we will get what we want.

I still have to continue my long journey here. And everyone has to dream in order to get what you want. It's start with a dream.............................